By Ashutosh Shukla
New Delhi: Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) said that after overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic, the entire country was vociferously talking about sustainable development but the Jihadi lunatics were busy targeting Hindu organizations and Hindu society to unleash terror in Hindu society.
The Jihadis perhaps had an intention to recreate and replicate 1946, said VHP Central Joint General Secretary Dr. Surendra Jain adding that such forces need to realise that this is not the Hindu society of 1946. If nationalist youth were forced to react, it will prove formidable and make the Jihadists lose their steam for all times to come.
Referring to the latest incident in which a 16-year-old Karyakarta of Bajrang Dal was brutally murdered by a knife-wielding mob at Lovirpua in Karimganj on January 8 in Assam, Dr Jain said his only fault was that he was a Bajrang Dal Karyakarta was returning from a Bajrang Dal camp. This is not an isolated incident. In the last 2 years, 9 Karyakartas of Bajrang Dal have been killed and 32 attacked by Jihadist lunatics.
He said that the Karyakartas of the nationalist youth organization Bajrang Dal, having acted within constitutional norms, have expressed their righteous anger by protesting and giving memorandum democratically. It seems that the Jihadi lunatics consider that it is a manifestation of weakness on the part of the Bajrang Dal to live and act within constitutional and democratic norms. If the nationalist youths were left with no option other than to retaliate, the Muslim clerics and fundamentalist leaders like the Owaisi will be responsible as their poisonous inflammatory speeches and Jihadi avowal have been fueling this rabid and suicidal frenzy.
Dr. Jain said that now the Jihadi rabidity has become a challenge to the nationalist society against which the Bajrang Dal launched its two day district level protest across the country on January 17. The Bajrang Dal will submit a memorandum to the President through the District Magistrates, in which a nationwide plan will be presented to neutralise the rabid jihadist designs on Bharat.
He demanded stringent action against the attackers and the leaders who instigated them to prevent such attacks in future.
According to him after the ban on SIMI and subsequently on PFI, they were now operating in the name of Citizen Forum with to carry forward their Jihadi ideologies.To stop it, he stressed the need to create nationwide public opinion and take strict effective steps.
Jihadis have adopted a new strategy to attack Hindu leaders he said adding that in the mission they were now using the Madrasa-pass-out minors.He suggested for making a permanent provision in the Juvenile Act for punishing such crime-perpetrating so-called ‘minors’ as ‘adults’.
VHP cautioned the Hindu society against such activities and remain vigilant for the sake of the security of the people of the society and the country as well.
VHP advised Muslim leaders and clerics that the path of Jihad is the path of suicide. It leads to destruction, not development. They should bring that change in their leaders and systems which can show them the path of peaceful coexistence. People should be taught to be at peace with themselves. They should learn from the experience of neighbouring countries. We all should find a way of peaceful co-existence together.