-By Dr Naresh Purohit:
Advisor for National Reproductive and Child Health Programme (RCH), Executive Member of the Federation of Reproductive Health Services - India (FRHS - India)

New Delhi : As the success rates of fertility treatments improve, women are more inclined to consider egg freezing as a means of preserving their fertility.

Egg freezing—a process wherein a woman’s eggs are extracted, frozen and preserved, allowing her to have a child later is gradually emerging as a viable option for many women in India. 

Egg freezing has emerged as a powerful tool that provides women with greater control over their reproductive choices. It is a viable option as a ticking biological clock shouldn’t be the reason for women to rush into having a child when they are not ready for parenthood.

The process of egg freezing involves retrieving a womans eggs, freezing them, and storing them for future use. By preserving their eggs at a young age, women can extend their fertility window and have the flexibility to start a family at a time that aligns with their personal circumstances and aspirations.

The increasing popularity of egg freezing among Indian women can be attributed to various factors. Firstly, education and awareness campaigns have played a crucial role in disseminating information about the procedure, its benefits, and its safety. As more women become aware of the option, they are empowered to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.

The changing dynamics of Indian families have contributed to this trend. With the rise of nuclear families and increased mobility, women are often living away from their extended families. This physical distance has provided them with a certain degree of autonomy and freedom to make decisions without constant interference or pressure from family members.

Changing social attitudes towards marriage and childbirth have also played a role in the increasing acceptance of egg freezing. Society is slowly acknowledging that women should have the right to choose when and if they want to start a family. This cultural shift is gradually eroding the stigma associated with delayed marriage and motherhood.

Despite the growing awareness of egg freezing, several factors contribute to individuals hesitations and inhibitions toward pursuing this fertility preservation option. Limited knowledge, social stigmas, emotional considerations, financial constraints, and medical uncertainties, play a role in shaping individuals reluctance. 

Addressing these concerns through education, destigmatization, improved affordability, and increased accessibility can help alleviate hesitations surrounding egg freezing and empower individuals to make informed decisions about their reproductive futures.

To encourage the trend of egg freezing healthcare providers need to play an active role. Government initiatives that provide financial assistance for fertility preservation, as well as the inclusion of egg freezing in health insurance coverage, would make the procedure more accessible to a wider population.