Better education and employment to be on the top of the agenda

Muzaffarpur: Vinayak Gautam, a doctor by profession and son of a veteran leader Ram Kumar Singh who represented Tirhut graduate constituency thrice in the Upper House in Bihar has decided to contest the up coming by elections of MLC from Tirhut.

Making this announcement, Gautam said that he has decided to contest the election to raise the voice of the people. "Education and employment would be on the top of my agenda", said Mr. Gautam as both fields need massive transformation in Bihar. Despite several efforts, the government failed to improve the educational and employment scenario in the state, he alleged.

Speaking about his future plans, Mr Gautam said that he will strive to provide better education facilities within the state after getting elected to the Upper House.

Exasperated at the unemployment scenario, Mr. Gautam said that he would fight for providing jobs to the unemployed graduates and would also press the government to pay them the allowance in case they do not get the job. Advocating for respectable allowances, He said it should be given gracefully to the unemployed graduates. Mr. Gautam opined that it is not possible for every unemployed graduate to move towards self employment due to the economic condition. In want of a job, the unemployed graduates in some cases were also unfortunately committing suicide, he quipped.

Mr. Gautam categorically cleared that he was not stepping into the politics to mint money but had a passion to serve the society and the people like his father Mr. Ram Kumar Singh did in the past.

Concerned with the financial insecurity of  government employees including teachers after retirement, Mr. Gautam said that a politician never retires and also enjoys pension whereas it was "unfortunate" that the teachers and other servants do not get it. The life of such employees were insecure after retirement but contrary to it the life of a politician was secured as they get pension from the government. Mr. Gautam said he will vociferously raise this issue in the house.

As it is, Mr. Gautam has decided to contest the election from Tirhut graduate constituency after the seat fell vacant following election of Devesh Chandra Thakur in the recently concluded parliamentary elections. However the Election Commission was yet to announce the dates for the by-elections in Tirhut graduate constituency.

Meanwhile, Professor Rajesh Jha of Delhi University, wishing a grand success to Mr Gautam on X platform said that with his vast experience in health services, the resolve of Mr. Gautam to work for improving education, skill and hospitals has brought a ray of hope for development of the Tirhut region.