New Delhi: Amid the fast-dipping mercury and bone chilling winter there have been sudden spike in cases of heart attacks and strokes in several states of North India said Dr Naresh Purohit, Executive Member of the Academy of Cardiovascular Sciences.
Voicing his concern the renowned researcher and Epidemiologist told Vibrant News that umpteen netizens across entire north India are suffering from different ailments including pneumonia, chest infection, hypertension and diabetes.
Citing a recent scientific report published in the prestigious journal Circulation the noted physician averred that as per the report the last week of December brings more heart attack deaths than any other time of year.
"The report concluded that whenever the temperature outside decreases below our body temperature, especially when it drops below 25 degrees, the surface of the body tries to keep us warm. Due to this the BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) increases, which in turn increases the workload on the heart."he added.
"According to various research studies world over, heart attacks, strokes, heart failure and cardiac arrhythmias are on the rise during winter due to the sudden climatic change as the temperature drops unexpectedly.
The mortality rate due to heart attacks may be as much as 50 percent higher in the cold. If the temperature outside is cold then the bodys sympathetic nervous system gets activated leading to narrow blood vessels known as vasoconstriction. Hence, once blood pressure suddenly goes up and the heart will have to work harder in order to pump blood to other organs present in the body and this way, one will get a heart attack." he said.
Also, Principal Investigator for the Indian Society of Hypertension Dr Purohit averred that amid intensifying chill across J&K, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Haryana, Rajasthan and Eastern UP - the hospitals there are witnessing an increase in cardiac arrest patients.
He pointed that chill intensifies risk of heart attacks, stroke and other diseases and advised people to take more precautions.
He said not only elderly people, but young and healthy individuals also come to hospitals with massive heart attacks and strokes.
He revealed that chill narrows the blood vessels and arteries of the heart as a result the blood flow is less to the heart.
“The blood pressure also shoots-up during winters, which affects the heart,” he added.
According to him the patients who are prone to heart attack are —Diabetic, hypertensive, smokers and people above the age of 60 years.
“Sedentary lifestyle, peculiar dietary habits during winters might be the reason for the surge in heart blocks” he added.
He urged that people should take care of their diet and keep a tab on their weight.